Human Engineering

December 2, 2010

Frank Czopek

SIDEBAR: Frank Czopek’s Compass Points

Frank Czopek and his brothers used to go to the 1970s Detroit version of Craigslist — Trading Times — to buy two or three non-functioning Chevrolet Corvairs (air-cooled rear engine-mounted) cars, at $25 apiece.

They hoped to turn the junkers into a single functioning automobile over a weekend. Unfortunately, the results did not last long; so, the process was repeated often. But they sure had fun!

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By Inside GNSS
October 16, 2007

Human Engineering

Human Engineering is an occasional feature that profiles GNSS engineers in industry, academia, the military and government.

Want to know someone’s favorite equation? Or how they discovered satellite navigation in their own careers? The popular notions about GNSS that annoy them most?

This is the place to look.

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By Inside GNSS