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B: Applications

Software-Defined GNSS Simulator: A Step Forward

A few studies (by universities and industry) have shown the feasibility of simulation of real-time digital intermediate frequency (IF) signals based on a graphics processor unit (GPU). And a couple of articles have also demonstrated use of a universal software radio peripheral (USRP)–based software-defined radio (SDR) as a simulator (in playback mode) in real test environments.

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By Inside GNSS

First Position Fix with IRNSS

Figure 1

The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is an Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) initiative to build an independent satellite navigation system that provides precise position, velocity, and time (PVT) to users across the Indian region.

The primary objective of IRNSS is to achieve position accuracy of 20 meters (2σ) for dual-frequency users over India and the primary service area (a region extending to about 1,500 kilometers or 930 miles).

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By Inside GNSS

ISGNSS and CGSIC 2015: International Symposium on Global Satellite Navigation Systems and Asia/Pacific Rim meeting of the CGSIC

Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto, Japan

The 16th International Symposium On GNSS 2015 will be held November 16 – 19, 2015 at Miyakomesse in Kyoto, Japan.

ISGNSS 2015 will be co-located with the Asia and Pacific Rim meeting of the CGIC (Civil GPS Service Interface Committee) to help improve understanding of the world trends in developing and deploying GNSS. The program will include keynote addresses, oral presentations, interactive poster sessions, panel sessions, open interactive forums and a trade exhibition.

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By Inside GNSS
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June 16, 2015

Study: GPS Contributed More Than $68 Billion to the U.S. Economy

GPS contributed more than $68 billion to the U.S. economy in 2013, according to the preliminary results of a new study presented to the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board.

And the study’s author, Irv Leveson, a consultant to ASCR Federal Research and Technology Solutions, LLC, described that figure as conservative because it did not fully incorporate a host of GPS applications including those depending on GPS timing information.

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By Inside GNSS

GNSS-Aided Autonomous Trucks Could Save Fuel, Reduce Congestion

Block diagram of driver-assisted truck platooning (DATP) system. From “Heavy Truck Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control” Phase 1 report

Although media coverage of autonomous or self-driving vehicles has focused on their use by private car owners, an initial report on driver-assistive truck platooning (DATP) highlights the prospects for their use in the commercial freight sector.

Titled “Heavy Truck Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control — Evaluation, Testing, and Stakeholder Engagement for Near Term Deployment: Phase One Final Report,” the DATP project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Exploratory Advanced Research program.

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By Inside GNSS
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May 26, 2015

Still Not a Thing, Part 2

One of the first feature articles I wrote as a newly minted GNSS magazine editor 26 years ago was about an advanced rail traffic management system based on GPS that Burlington Northern, with the help of Rockwell Collins, had designed and implemented.

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By Inside GNSS

Farm Vehicle Automation

Francisco Rovira-Más, Agricultural Robotics Laboratory, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Now that we have had GNSS-driven precision in the fields for nearly 20 years, with widespread and growing acceptance by farm vehicle manufacturers and farmers, what lies ahead for precision agriculture?

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By Inside GNSS
May 20, 2015

Estimating the Short-Term Stability of In-Orbit GNSS Clocks

Global navigation satellite systems provide position, velocity, and time (PVT) solutions to users whose receivers calculate position based on one-way ranging from satellites. As is well-understood, a key step in the positioning process involves a determination of the difference between the time of signal transmission identified in the satellite’s broadcast navigation message and the time of its reception by user equipment.

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