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March 2, 2006

White House Defense Budget Proposes GPS Funds

The Bush Administration’s Fiscal Year 2007 (FY07) budget proposal for the Department of Defense (DoD), announced in February, allocates $315,314,000 in advanced technology development for GPS, including work on the GPS III program. If approved by Congress, that would represent a sizable increase from the FY06 expenditures of more than $85 million and $33 million in FY05.

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By Inside GNSS

Russia Labors to Bring Latest GLONASS Satellites On Line

The Russian Space Forces are continuing efforts to bring the final two GLONASS spacecraft launched December 25 into operation.

One of the trio of satellites (SV798 in slot 19) went on the air in late January. Reports from the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, quoting Russian space officials, subsequently attributed the delay to frozen fuel lines in the satellites.

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By Inside GNSS
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New EC DG-TREN Director-General

Matthias Ruete has been named as director-general of the European Commission’s Directorate- General for Energy and Transport (EC DG-TREN), which has overall responsibility for implementation of the Galileo program on behalf of the European Union (EU). He replaces François Lamoreaux.

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By Inside GNSS

GPS L2C is on the air

Civil GPS users now have a second full signal available to them — albeit on only one satellite and “at the user’s own risk” — courtesy of the first modernized Block IIR (IIR- 14M) spacecraft launched last September. And the world’s geodetic community is already moving to take advantage of it with announcement of an addendum to the receiver autonomous exchange (RINEX) format used to combine high-precision position data from different types of GPS receivers.

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By Inside GNSS
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