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March 6, 2014

FY15 Budget: GPS III Procurement to Slow, Dual-Launch Funding Cut

The Air Force is slowing GPS modernization and dropping part of the funding for dual launch of satellites, said defense officials describing the President’s Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) budget on Wednesday (March 5, 2014).

Air Force Undersecretary Eric Fanning said the Air Force would continue to “honor our investments and obligations” regarding the Global Positioning System but would “reprofile” the GPS III program so that it meets constellation sustainment demands.

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NIST Plans GPS Cybersecurity Research

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is building a new lab that will support work on securing the use of GPS signals.

“We are currently standing up a smart grid cybersecurity test lab, and one of our future research cases for later in this year or early next year, depending on when we finish building this lab, is GPS security,” said Victoria Pillitteri, an advisor for information system security at NIST, which is under the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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By Inside GNSS
February 21, 2014

GPS IIF-5 Heads for Orbit

Photo by Ben Cooper, United Launch Alliance

The U. S. Air Force successfully launched the fifth GPS Block IIF satellite yesterday evening (February 20) from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

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February 14, 2014

House Committee Moves to Block Loran-C Teardowns

Lawmakers overseeing the Coast Guard approved language this week that would stop the agency from dismantling facilities needed for eLoran, a proposed system that has gained wide support as a backup in case GPS signals are jammed, blocked, spoofed, or otherwise rendered unusable.

In “markups” or adjustments to language in the FY 2015 Coast Guard authorization bill, a House transportation subcommittee proposes to halt the tearing down of stations in the Coast Guard’s old Loran-C navigation system, which was turned off in 2010.

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By Inside GNSS
February 3, 2014

DoT Moves Ahead with V2V Plans for Smart Cars

Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DoT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced today (February 3, 2014) that it will begin taking steps to enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology for light vehicles.

This technology would improve safety by allowing vehicles to "talk" to each other and ultimately avoid many crashes altogether by exchanging basic safety data, such as speed and position, 10 times per second.

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By Inside GNSS

FY14 Budget Pares GPS Appropriations

The GPS program sustained a cut of more than six percent from the levels in the president’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14), increasing the likelihood that the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) will be delayed and putting pressure on budgets in future years to make up for cuts to modernization efforts.

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