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September 17, 2015

Unicore Releases High-End, High-Precision UB380 GNSS Receiver Board

Unicore UR380 GNSS Receiver with UB380

Unicore released UB380 GPS/GLONASSS/BDS high precision board at ION GNSS+ 2015, held this week in Tampa, Florida.

UB380 is a 384-channel, multi-GNSS receiver that supports GPS, GLONASS, and the BeiDou Satellite System (BDS) based on Unicore’s multi-GNSS system on a chip. The receiver board can support GPS L1, L2, and L5; GLONASS L1, L2; and BDS B1, B2 and B3.

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By Inside GNSS

Military Receivers: Air Force Wants Foreign GNSS Capability

Rockwell Collins DAGR. From Wikimedia Commons

The GPS Directorate wants industry to more quickly develop innovative user equipment that integrates both the modernized GPS signals and signals from international constellations like Galileo.

“In the future,” said the organization’s new director, Col. Steve Whitney, “it’s going to be important that our industry partners and the Directorate investigate ways to pull in these new signals — and that includes some of the non-GPS signals — into our user equipment.”

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By Inside GNSS
September 15, 2015

GNSS Hotspots | September 2015

One of 12 magnetograms recorded at Greenwich Observatory during the Great Geomagnetic Storm of 1859
1996 soccer game in the Midwest, (Rick Dikeman image)
Nouméa ground station after the flood
A pencil and a coffee cup show the size of NASA’s teeny tiny PhoneSat
Bonus Hotspot: Naro Tartaruga AUV
Pacific lamprey spawning (photo by Jeremy Monroe, Fresh Waters Illustrated)
“Return of the Bucentaurn to the Molo on Ascension Day”, by (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
The U.S. Naval Observatory Alternate Master Clock at 2nd Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB in Colorado. This photo was taken in January, 2006 during the addition of a leap second. The USNO master clocks control GPS timing. They are accurate to within one second every 20 million years (Satellites are so picky! Humans, on the other hand, just want to know if we’re too late for lunch) USAF photo by A1C Jason Ridder.
Detail of Compass/ BeiDou2 system diagram
Hotspot 6: Beluga A300 600ST

Bakersfield, California USA

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By Inside GNSS
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September 10, 2015

GAO: OCX Problems Threaten GPS Constellation

A new federal watchdog report released yesterday (September 9, 2015) questions the outlook for the still-developing GPS ground control system saying the Pentagon may not fully understand the true cause of ongoing problems in a program where further delays “may likely pose significant risks to sustaining the GPS constellation and delivering GPS capability.”

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By Inside GNSS
September 9, 2015

Webinar: Cutting-Edge Applications of Unmanned Systems

The incorporation of GNSS and inertial technologies is helping drive an explosion of systems development and applications of unmanned systems. On Tuesday, September 29, Inside GNSS and NovAtel will present a FREE 90-minute web seminar showcasing some of these applications, including the use of remote sensing technologies to assess pest populations in commercial crops and to conduct infrastructure inspections, with the aid of air and ground vehicles.

Register now for Tuesday, September 29, 2015: 9 am PDT

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By Inside GNSS

DoT Hastens GNSS Receiver Testing for Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment

Federal officials have released a draft of their plan to determine the amount of interference satellite navigation receivers can tolerate from users in neighboring frequencies. The tests, proposed after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) froze a controversial wireless broadband system, would accelerate research on GNSS receivers that process signals from multiple satellite constellations.

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By Inside GNSS
September 7, 2015

John Raquet: A Family Affair

John and his wife, Cindy.

John Raquet’s Compass Points

With an imposing 6’2” physique and a disarming grin, John Raquet rises above the crowd. To colleagues he’s a top-flight engineer and university professor, and director of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Autonomy and Navigation Technology Center. But he is also a former all-star basketball player, a preacher, sometime soccer coach, former military officer, and, most definitely, a family man.

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By Inside GNSS

GPS Confidential

Ubiquitous location-aware mobile devices, mainly GPS-enabled smartphones, have led to a boom in location-based services (LBS), which have been revolutionizing businesses and lifestyles. Common uses of LBSs include asset tracking, location-based advertising, emergency roadside service, turn-by-turn navigation, and real-time traffic & road information sharing.

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By Inside GNSS
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