
April 20, 2010

GSA Seeks New Leadership

Pedro Pedreira

The European Commission (EC) is recruiting for an executive director of the Galileo Supervisory Agency (GSA), the new designation of the European GNSS Supervisory Authority. Deadline for applications is May 21.

The GSA’s current mission is to assist in the further implementation of the European GNSS Programs, composed of Galileo and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS). Details for applying for the position can be found online at <>.

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By Inside GNSS
April 14, 2010

EC Liberates Galileo ICD Signal Specification

Today’s (April 13) release of an updated “Galileo Open Service Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document” (OS SIS ICD) freed the key specification document in two senses of the word: receiver manufacturers, application developers and service providers may now use the ICD as an official — not draft — guide to their work, and they may do so at no cost

The t’s have been crossed and the i’s dotted to the satisfaction of lawyers and politicians — and the relief of designers and system integrators eager to begin work on Galileo-capable products without fear of having substantive changes in the specifications and legal or financial difficulties for moving ahead.

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By Inside GNSS
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April 10, 2010

GNSS Opportunities Help Drive UK to Set Up National Space Agency

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visits the Geospatial Building at the University of Nottingham. Photo courtesy of GRACE

(This article first appeared in the March 31 Inside GNSS SIGNALS eNewsletter)

Driven in part by a prestigious Space Innovation and Growth Strategy (Space IGS) report suggesting that the nation has lost both the best industrial work and the ability to influence programs such as Galileo, the United Kingdom will establish a new national space agency on April 1.

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By Inside GNSS
March 30, 2010

2010 Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (PIN)

“Science City” campus of ETH, Zurich

The International 2010 PIN Conference and industry exhibition will take place at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Campus Science City (Hoenggerberg), Zurich, Switzerland from September 15 to 17 2010.

Organizers call it the largest meeting dedicated entirely to indoor positioning, with 196 announced abstracts from 36 countries.

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By Inside GNSS
March 29, 2010

European Space Weather Week 2010

Solar flare (NASA)

The 7th Space Weather Week will take place at Congress Centre Oud Sint-Jan in Bruges, Belgium from November 15 to 19 2010. The purpose is to bring the various countries and institutions of Europe together on space weather issues that concern them all.

It is organized by the European Space Agency, the Royal Observatory of Belgium, the Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence, and the European Commission COST office.

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By Inside GNSS
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NAVSUP 2010: Polish Navigation Forum

The 17th conference on "The Role of Navigation in Support of Human Activity" will be held in Gdynia, Poland from September 23 to 25 2010. An industry exhibition is part of the event.

The conference will cover the latest developments in navigation and positioning on the water, on land and in the air.

The event targets scientists, engineers from Poland and Europe.

May 15 2010 is the deadline for applications and submission of abstracts.

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By Inside GNSS

RIN: 3rd GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference 2010

Aerial shot of Krk Island in the Adriatic

The third GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions conference, sponsored by the Royal Institute of Navigation, will focus on all aspects of satellite navigation, but particularly these subjects:

  • Core and augmentation satellite navigation systems
  • Safety-critical applications
  • Space weather and ionospheric effects
  • Location-based services (LBS)
  • Intelligent transport systems (ITS)

It will take place from September 5-8 2010 on the resort island of Krk during the Adriatic high season. 

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By Inside GNSS

European Navigation Conference on GNSS 2010

The ENC GNSS 2010 will be held at the Stadhalle Braunschweig, Germany on October 19-21.

The main topics will be Galileo system and segment technology, status and interoperability of the GNSSes and augmentation systems, GNSS integration with communications and other terrestrial systems and GIS, developments in navigation instruments, transport and mobility and more.

Paper abstracts must be submitted by April 16 2010. Peter Vörsman, DGON, is the program committee chair.

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By Inside GNSS

5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies (NAVITEC)

"Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies: The Beginning of a New Age" is the theme of the 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies.

In addition to multi-GNSS issues, the event will focus on signal design, signal processing, GNSS payload technology effects and integration of navigation technologies with communication services.

The European Space Agency event will be held from December 8 to 10, 2010 at ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

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By Inside GNSS
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