The Institute of Navigation (ION) has released volume seven of its Global Positioning Systems Redbook, a collection of technical papers on integrated systems…
By Inside GNSS
Antonio Tajani Amid continuing debate over how to handle budgetary shortfalls in building a European GNSS, the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a…
By Inside GNSS
Broadcom Corporation reports that for the first time it has been able to compute GNSS positions, using the first Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)…
By Inside GNSS
Core GNSS Markets. GSA data The European GNSS Agency (GSA, formerly European GNSS Supervisory Authority) predicts that the market for GNSS will grow…
By Inside GNSS
The 8th GeoForm+ trade fair will take place at EcoCentre Sokoniki in Moscow, Russia from March 15 through March 18, 2011. It includes…
By Inside GNSS
The mobile industry’s largest exhibition takes place at Fira Montjuïc in the center of Barcelona, Spain on February 14-17 2011. This year’s keynote…
By Inside GNSS
The annual AUVSI Unmanned Systems North America conference and exhibition will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C….
By Inside GNSS
The 2011 Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium IFCS) and European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) will be held at the Hyatt Regency…
By Inside GNSS
The U.S. Air Force will inactivate its GPS Wing at Los Angeles Air Force Base on Wednesday (November 10) and replace it with…
By Inside GNSS
GLONASS Launch on September 2, 2010 With activation of three modernized GLONASS (GLONASS-M) satellites launched on September 2 and plans to put four…
By Inside GNSS
Residenz entrance, familiar to Munich Satellite Navigation Summit attendees. The 2011 Munich Satellite Navigation Summit will take place from March 1 through 3…
By Inside GNSS
Artist’s illustration of GPS III. Lockheed Martin image The Aerospace Corporation has completed acceptance testing on the GPS III Bus Real Time Simulator…
By Inside GNSS
The U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee (ExCom) has issued a new set of tasks that it wants its advisory…
By Inside GNSS
Thailand’s largest island and a popular tourist destination The 2nd Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS will be held in Melbourne, Australia, on…
By Inside GNSS
The first workshop on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals is organized by two technical competence centers (CCT) of the French space agency,…
By Inside GNSS