African Association of the Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) 2008 Conference - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

African Association of the Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) 2008 Conference

The seventh AARSE conference and exhibition is organized around the theme, Application of Earth Observation and Geoinformation for Governance in Africa.

It will take place at the Accra International Conference Centre from October 27 to October 31.

Two special sessions are featured: Coastal Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS in Africa and Business and Industry Partnerships with the oil and gas industries operating in Africa.

The seventh AARSE conference and exhibition is organized around the theme, Application of Earth Observation and Geoinformation for Governance in Africa.

It will take place at the Accra International Conference Centre from October 27 to October 31.

Two special sessions are featured: Coastal Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS in Africa and Business and Industry Partnerships with the oil and gas industries operating in Africa.

Abstracts for papers must be submitted by June 30. Submit online at

Participants may register online at

The conference is sponsored by the Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIs) at the University of Ghana. 
