GPS IIF Satellite Reaches Final Orbital Location

Officials from the Air Space Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Wing announced today (August 10) that the first GPS IIF satellite (SVN-62) arrived on-station August 1. This indicates that the satellite is in its designated orbital position and ready for its final phase of on-orbit checkout and testing, to be completed before September. The satellite will then be cleared to serve navigation and timing users as part of the operational GPS constellation.

Officials from the Air Space Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Wing announced today (August 10) that the first GPS IIF satellite (SVN-62) arrived on-station August 1. This indicates that the satellite is in its designated orbital position and ready for its final phase of on-orbit checkout and testing, to be completed before September. The satellite will then be cleared to serve navigation and timing users as part of the operational GPS constellation.
