Webinar: Robust and Affordable Precision with Inertial and Multi-Band RTK - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Webinar: Robust and Affordable Precision with Inertial and Multi-Band RTK

Explore with our experts the new markets enabled by affordable and robust RTK technology. High-performance real-time positioning in robotics, UAV survey, photogrammetry, intelligent vehicles and much more is now possible with entry-level inertial and GNSS products, as explained in the upcoming November 19 webinar, “How the latest RTK + Inertial technology enables accessible and reliable centimetric navigation.”

An extended Kalman Filter (EKF) forms the core of this technical advance, enabling the inertial navigation system (INS) to provide precise position & attitude during short-term GNSS outages, while the GNSS stabilizes position, velocity, and orientation. Orientation remains stable during maneuvers. Fault detection and exclusion ensures a final robustness, in an additional layer of protection. Detailed performance analysis gives the proof.

A GNSS receiver provider will give further details and insight on RTK to reach reliable centimeter-level navigation, and the benefits of multi-band RTK, now at an accessible cost. Geospatial, machine control and other professionals will benefit from this optimal position accuracy in all their projects, even for corridor mapping and in poorly covered RTK areas. Base stations can be 40, 70 or even 100 kilometers away.

Join us on November 19 for this free in-depth technical webinar; register here.

Our expert panel:

Alexis GuinamardAlexis Guinamard, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of SBG Systems, a supplier of miniature, high-performance inertial navigation systems. He holds a M.S degree in embedded systems from Ecole Centrale d’Electronique. For the past decade, he has led the development of cutting-edge navigation algorithms and hardware including attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS), inertial measurement units (IMU), inertial navigation systems with embedded GPS (INS/GPS), and more at SBG Systems.

Mårten Ström-LinkedInMärten Ström, Director of Product Line Management of Industrial Navigation and Robotics at u-blox, a provider of wireless and positioning modules and chips for the automotive, industrial and consumer markets. He focuses on high-precision GNSS products and business development, and holds a Master’s degree in applied mathematics, computer science and physics from Abo Akademi University.

Raphaël Siryani-LinkedInRaphaël Siryani, Chief Software Architect and co-founder of inertial manufacturer SBG Systems. He has an M.S. in embedded systems engineering from the Ecole Centrale d’Electronique. In the inertial field since 2006, he is in charge of embedded firmware designs, hardware designs and MEMS sensor tests, characterization and calibration at SBG Systems.

