Rueil-Malmaison, France-based SBG Systems will unveil Qinertia, its in-house post-processing software, at the Ocean Business show, April 4-6 at Southampton, U.K.
After the survey, this full-feature software is designed to give access to offline real-time kinematic (RTK) corrections, and process inertial and GNSS raw data to further enhance accuracy and secure the survey.
Rueil-Malmaison, France-based SBG Systems will unveil Qinertia, its in-house post-processing software, at the Ocean Business show, April 4-6 at Southampton, U.K.
After the survey, this full-feature software is designed to give access to offline real-time kinematic (RTK) corrections, and process inertial and GNSS raw data to further enhance accuracy and secure the survey.
Experienced in real-time data fusion, SBG Systems — a designer of inertial navigation systems from the internal Inertial Measurement Unit to the filtering with GNSS data — takes another step in the surveying industry by unveiling Qinertia, a fully in-house Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK) software. Whether the survey is made from a car, a UAV, a plane or a vessel, it will secure and enhance your acquisition, according to the company.
After the mission, Qinertia gives access to offline RTK corrections from more than 7,000 base stations located in 164 countries. By creating a virtual base station near your project, the software delivers a high level of accuracy without having to set up a base station. Trajectory and orientation are then said to greatly improve by processing inertial data and raw GNSS observables in forward and backward directions. Qinertia also secures your survey by quickly fixing lever arms or sensor misalignment.
PPK Doesn’t Have to be Complicated
Qinertia has been designed to help surveyors get the most of their surveys with simplicity. Users can begin projects with a step-by step wizard, access an up-to-date reference station database, and consult advanced quality indicators. Featuring a modern 64 bits and multi-core design the software is designed to provide fast processing.
Qinertia will be available during Q4, 2017. You can contact the company if interested in entering the public beta test program starting early summer 2017. SBG Systems also recently released the Ekinox 2 Series Inertial Sensors.
In other news related to this week’s Ocean Business event, new for Ocean Business 2017 will be two events organized by the Marine South East and Enterprise Europe Network and supported by the European Commission. The new events will focus on defense and commercial applications in autonomous systems and satellite applications. Both events are free to attend for all Ocean Business visitors.