Averna: Record and Playback System for GNSS: Real Performances for Real Applications
Record and playback (RP) systems are increasingly popular in GNSS receivers’ test and validation process. For testing, we need a better understanding of the RP contribution to the tested receiver (UUT) raw measurements. This white paper shows how the performances of the RP are related to the measurements quality of the tested receiver. The analysis is based on actual tests of state of the art RP from Averna technologies and high grade GNSS receivers.
Averna: Record and Playback System for GNSS: Real Performances for Real Applications
Record and playback (RP) systems are increasingly popular in GNSS receivers’ test and validation process. For testing, we need a better understanding of the RP contribution to the tested receiver (UUT) raw measurements. This white paper shows how the performances of the RP are related to the measurements quality of the tested receiver. The analysis is based on actual tests of state of the art RP from Averna technologies and high grade GNSS receivers.
» More information from the Averna website
CAST Navigation: Guided Munitions Testing/JDAM
CAST Navigation recently demonstrated the capability to perform dynamic ground testing of GPS/INS guided munitions, including the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and Extended Range Guided Munition (ERGM). The CAST 3000/JDAM Serial simulation environment provides coordinated GPS and inertial data to the weapon’s navigation systems simultaneously with the launch platform’s navigation system. This permits testing of the entire weapon system interface.
» More information from CAST Navigation website
National Instruments: GPS Receiver Testing
As GPS technology becomes more commonplace on the commercial market, many designers are working to improve characteristics such as lower power consumption, the tracking of weak satellites, faster acquisition times, and more accuracy position fixes. This document explains how to make a variety of GPS receiver measurements including sensitivity, noise figure, position accuracy, time to first fix, and position deviation.
» More information from National Instruments website
Averna: Real-World Interference Impacts Analysis Using High Dynamic Range GNSS RF/IF Signals Record and Playback
Robustness consideration in GNSS receivers’ design and validation still represent a big challenge as multiple RF sources must coexist in an overloaded RF world. To complete the analysis of GNSS receivers’ performance in the presence of interferences and to have a better understanding of the interferences’ impacts on real-world GNSS signals, field tests are mandatory. Here, real GNSS and interference signals are first recorded with a multifrequency record and playback system and then postprocessed in order to analyze the GNSS signal degradation and to characterize the nature of the interferences.
» More information from Averna website