The European Commission (EC) has appointed a new deputy director in the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, who will have among his responsibilities overseeing the three units responsible for Galileo and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).
The European Commission (EC) has appointed a new deputy director in the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, who will have among his responsibilities overseeing the three units responsible for Galileo and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).
Paul Weissenberg, currently director for Aerospace, Defense and Security Industry, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission will take up his responsibilities on February 1. He will be responsible for the directorates for chemicals, metals, the mechanical, electrical and construction industries, raw materials, and space, security and the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) program, as well as the European Union Satellite Navigation Programs
The appointment is expected to elevate the decision-making on Europe’s GNSS programs, which had previously had to work out agreements among three separate units at a lower level. Those EU satellite navigation program units include GP/1 Program Coordination, Infrastructure, Exploitation headed by Paul Verhoef, who is program manager, EU Satellite Navigation Programs, and until Weissenberg’s appointment, usually the leading EC spokesperson on Galileo and EGNOS. GP/1 deputy director is Paul Flament.
The other units are GP/2 Legal, Financial and Institutional Aspects, currently headed by the acting director Ekaterini Kavvada, and GP/3 Applications, Security, and International Aspects, led by Edgar Thielmann and his deputy, Michel Bosco.