Modifications on Order for Record-Setting GPS-Guided Heavy Munition: Accurate to within 2 Meters at Any Range

Raytheon Co. Missile Systems received a $66 million modification contract for procurement of an undisclosed number of Excalibur 155mm Increment 1B GPS-guided heavy artillery projectiles, next-generation artillery precision munition, with an estimated completion date of April 29, 2024.

The M982 Excalibur uses a jam-resistant internal GPS receiver to update the navigation system and provide precision in-flight guidance to impact targets at a radial miss distance of less than two meters, providing accurate first-round effects at all ranges in all weather conditions, regardless of range.

Reportedly the longest-range US artillery munition, it can enable its precision-guidance system to detect and attack moving targets.

In November 2021, Raytheon, the U.S. Army and French company Nexter successfully fired Excalibur artillery projectiles from the French CAESAR self-propelled howitzer, directly striking two targets at a distance of more than 46 kilometers and setting a record range from the gun system.

Excalibur test with CAESAR howitzer, November 2021 test at Yuma Proving Grounds, courtesy Raytheon. The missile demonstrated 2-meter accuracy at a 48-kilometer distance.

“Chosen by eight partner nations, CAESAR is arguably the most successful truck mounted artillery system available today,” said Thierry Soulat, program manager at Nexter. “This demonstration with Excalibur underscores CAESAR’s compatibility with NATO standards for both conventional and smart ammunition.”

Raytheon Munition
Raytheon Munition