The annual Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting will take place January 30 through February 1 2012 in Newport Beach, California at the Marriott Hotel and Spa.
The annual Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting will take place January 30 through February 1 2012 in Newport Beach, California at the Marriott Hotel and Spa.
Raytheon’s OCX program manager, LightSquared’s head of regulatory affairs, ESRI’s public policy director and two executives from Overlook Systems Technologies, experts in GPS technology and security issues, will address the "Challenges of Turning Vision into Reality" at the opening plenary on Monday morning at 8:30.
Right afterward, the second plenary will cover "Challenges of Realizing a Global Navigation Capability." Speakers include high level administrators from the offices of the U.S. Space Policy National Security staff and Secretary of Defense; the president of UrsaNav, maker of integrated PNT technologies, and a UK expert and consultant on radionavigation technologies and their vulnerabilities.
To review the program or register online, go to the website below. The early registration discount ends January 4, 2012. Full registration includes meals, special events and one CD of the proceedings.