Guidance, Navigation and Control Challenges for Miniature Autonomous Systems - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Guidance, Navigation and Control Challenges for Miniature Autonomous Systems

This workshop on GNC Challenges for Miniature Autonomous Systems is sponsored by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Munitions Directorate and facilitated by the Institute of Navigation. It will take place October 20-22, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

The workshop targets the DoD technical and user community, academia, and industry. Submit paper abstracts online by September 2.

This workshop on GNC Challenges for Miniature Autonomous Systems is sponsored by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Munitions Directorate and facilitated by the Institute of Navigation. It will take place October 20-22, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

The workshop targets the DoD technical and user community, academia, and industry. Submit paper abstracts online by September 2.

Current trends show that future autonomous systems systems will be miniature (less than 20 lbs total system weight) because they are cheaper to develop and build than current systems; their smaller size will allow them to be carried in large numbers, they will be compatible with small UAVs for air-launched systems, and they will ease access to difficult targets such as hardened command and control facilities.

The first day of the workshop will feature perspectives from the operations community, and GNC research challenge talks from senior research representatives of the Air Force, Navy, Army, and DARPA. The afternoon of the first day will feature For Official Use Only presentations.

On the second and third days, public forum presentations and discussions will cover such topics as Multi-use Miniature Seekers/Sensors; Advanced Navigation Sensors and Techniques; System Integration Challenges; and Multi-vehicle Cooperative Operations.

Register online at the website below.
