GNSS Technologists Continue to Impact Industry Developments, Policies

At next week’s Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications (PTTI) annual conference sponsored by ION, attendees can take part in a technical program designed to disseminate and coordinate PTTI information at the user level, review present and future PTTI requirements, inform government and industry engineers, technicians, and managers of precise time and frequency technology and its problems, and provide an opportunity for an active exchange of new technology associated with PTTI.

In addition to all that, one of the keynote speakers, Dana Goward, also believes those in attendance can and should be inspired by playing an integral part in this industry and also step back and reflect somewhat on just how important they can be in shaping developments and policies going forward.

“These are obviously technology meetings. They’re great venues for technologists to come together and talk about the bits and pieces of making systems work,” Goward said of PTTI and ITM, which take place Jan. 29-31 in Reston, Virginia.

“But I think there are larger issues that technologists and engineers that, one, need to be aware of and, two, also appreciate the power that they have to influence these larger national and international issues,” added Goward, the president of the Resilient Navigation & Timing Foundation.“…through the authority that they have as experts and through the concern that they share for not just the bits and pieces of the system, but the overall architecture and service that is so essential to modern life.”

PTTI is co-located with the ION International Technical Meeting (ITM), in Reston, Virginia, and a commercial exhibit and pre-conference tutorials are held in conjunction with the conference. ION’s winter meeting, the ITM, is a more intimate conference with a technical program related to positioning, navigation and timing and includes the ION Fellows and Annual Awards presentations.

The conferences kick off with the Plenary Session on January 29 at 10 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Reston. ION President Dr. John Raquet and program chairs Dr. Olivier Julien and Dr. Michael Coleman will provide the welcome and introductions, with the keynotes then delivered by Goward and Dr. Dennis D. McCarthy.

Goward’s presentation is titled “GNSS Resilience: From Single Point of Failure to Many Points of Success”, while McCarthy, U.S. Naval Observatory, Contractor, International Astronomical Union, will speak on The Development of Coordinated Universal Time.”

“I plan to talk generally about what the attendees can do in the larger context of bringing their expertise to bear in terms of making GNSS services better for everyone locally and also on the national and international basis,” Goward told Inside GNSS.

CASSCA Rescheduled
Due to the extended impasse between U.S. Congressional leaders and the White House that has created a partial U.S. government shutdown, ION postponed the Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA) Conference that was scheduled to take place January 28-29 in Reston, Virginia.

The CASSCA Conference has been rescheduled to be held September 16-17, 2019 in Miami, Florida in parallel with ION GNSS+.

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