A free three-day program on "GNSS Receiver Signal Processing for Current and Future Signals"will take place at the European GNSS Agency offices in Brussels (Rue de la loi, 56) on April 2, 3 and 4, 2013.
A free three-day program on "GNSS Receiver Signal Processing for Current and Future Signals"will take place at the European GNSS Agency offices in Brussels (Rue de la loi, 56) on April 2, 3 and 4, 2013.
This is second course in the EU’s GENIUS project series of 3-day GNSS training programs for professionals. Five are scheduled in 2013 and five in 2014.
The instructors are Dr. Christophe Macabiau, head of the Telecom lab of ENAC (Ecole National de l’Aviation Civile) in Toulouse and Dr. Olivier Julien, head of the Signal Processing and Navigation research group, also at ENAC.
The programs are free with advanced registration and include coffee breaks and lunch. Participants must pay their own travel, hotel and other living costs.
The registration deadline is March 2, 2013 and the number of participants is limited. For information and to register, contact Olivier Julien.
The programs are funded by the European Commission.