[Updated December 14, 2011] Today (December 12, 2011), the first of two Galileo IOV satellites launched October 21 began transmitting its payload signals.
Researchers at several European organizations have reported initial acquisition and tracking results of the E1 signals from the Galileo-ProtoFlight Model (PFM) satellite (previously incorrectly identified as Flight Model-2), also identified by its pseudorandom noise code (PRN 11).
[Updated December 14, 2011] Today (December 12, 2011), the first of two Galileo IOV satellites launched October 21 began transmitting its payload signals.
Researchers at several European organizations have reported initial acquisition and tracking results of the E1 signals from the Galileo-ProtoFlight Model (PFM) satellite (previously incorrectly identified as Flight Model-2), also identified by its pseudorandom noise code (PRN 11).
The Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation (NavSAS) group at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, provided the accompanying figure, which shows the 2D search space in the vicinity of the acquisition peak in the NavSYS receiver processing the PFM signal’s E1b data channel on Galileo PRN11. The coherent integration time used to obtain this search space was four milliseconds, coupled with 11 non-coherent accumulations.
Engineers at Thales Alenia Space Italia (TAS-I) also report that they are currently tracking the first signal of the Galileo IOV with two different receivers: a TAS-I MBOC Reference Receiver and a Galileo Receiver Chain nonPRS (GRCN) developed by an industrial consortium consisting of TAS-I, NovAtel, and Space Engineering — both under contracts with the European Space Agency
On December 14 around 9:30 UTC, transmissions also began on the E5 band, and the E5a, E5b, and AltBOC signals were tracked by TAS-I receivers.