European Navigation Conference 2013 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

European Navigation Conference 2013

In 2013, the annual European Navigation Conference and industry exhibition will be organized by the Austrian Institute of Navigation (OVN) and will take place at the Austria Center Vienna from April 23 through April 25. The lectures and sessions will be held in English.

The theme is Navigation – Expanding Our Horizons

In 2013, the annual European Navigation Conference and industry exhibition will be organized by the Austrian Institute of Navigation (OVN) and will take place at the Austria Center Vienna from April 23 through April 25. The lectures and sessions will be held in English.

The theme is Navigation – Expanding Our Horizons

Link here for a list of conference topics.

The conference will also feature the kickoff for the 2013 European Satellite Navigation Competition, or Galileo Masters, It is a GNSS application ideas contest open to submissions from all over the world.

The conference will concentrate on Galileo but will cover the status and development of all of the GNSSes, augmentation and regional systems.

This will be the seventeenth ENC, sponsored by the European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN).

For information, contact the local organizing committee at the email address below.
