European Space Talks Series Set for Munich Stop in November

European Space Talks, an initiative powered by the European Space Agency (ESA), aims to make European citizens more aware about the investment needed for space activities and the unique benefits that they can deliver.

Since space activities make a difference in our lives on a daily basis and correspond to one of humanity’s greatest challenges, European Space Talks invites you to join for a fun evening to learn, get inspired and inspire with space.

In November 2018, members of the European Space family will be sharing their passion in a series of talks presenting a vast array of space-related topics, including Munich Space Talks on November 16. The Munich event will take place at Vorhoelzer Forum, TUM Faculty of Architecture, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München, Deutschland.

Open to everybody, Space Talks includes10 selected pitch talks designed to inspire attendees and provide an overview of fun facts, curiosities about space, and how space plays a big role in our day-to-day activities.

OHB NextGen serves as the organizer of the event. OHB NextGen is a network of young professionals at OHB.

Click here for more European Space talks events.

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