Esther López Casariego received her M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cantabria, Spain.
She joined Erzia Space in 2003, participating in European Space Agency–funded research projects dealing with onboard communication systems.
Esther López Casariego received her M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cantabria, Spain.
She joined Erzia Space in 2003, participating in European Space Agency–funded research projects dealing with onboard communication systems.
Since 2006 López has been with ACORDE, where she has actively participated in MMIC design for both GNSS and WPAN applications and has been responsible for the execution of several European Union and national projects dealing with advanced RF communication systems. In 2010 she became the Head of the R&D department and since 2011 she has been the manager of the Intercommunication and Control Systems Division. Specifically, she has coordinated the LOGAM project (FP7 GA 277663).