The third symposium on Enhanced Solutions for Aircraft and Vehicle Surveillance Applications will take place at the MARITIM proArte Hotel in Berlin, germany on March 20 and 21, 2013. The event will be held in English. It is organized by the German Institute of Navigation (DGON).
This emerging field of next-generation surveillance is driven by increasing air traffic volume, business demands for increased capacity and efficiency and citizen and government concerns about emissions and other environmental pressures.
The third symposium on Enhanced Solutions for Aircraft and Vehicle Surveillance Applications will take place at the MARITIM proArte Hotel in Berlin, germany on March 20 and 21, 2013. The event will be held in English. It is organized by the German Institute of Navigation (DGON).
This emerging field of next-generation surveillance is driven by increasing air traffic volume, business demands for increased capacity and efficiency and citizen and government concerns about emissions and other environmental pressures.
Discussions will focus on implementation and operation of sensor technologies such as MLAT (airport surface mulilateration, WAM (wide area multilaterations and ADS-B (aytomatic dependent surveillance-broadcast), new system concepts and architecture, automated safety logic and more.
In addition to those working with air traffic control procedures and technology, the symposium will be of interest to those working with sensor development, tracking, data fusion, avionics and airport operations.
The event includes an industry exhibition.