The European Space Agency (ESA) International Summer School on GNSS 2014 take place August 31 – September 10, 2015 at Hotel Alimara, Barcelona, Spain.
Held in conjunction with the European Commission Joint Research Center’s Summer School on GNSS, the program is open to graduate students (with a first university degree), Ph.D. candidates, early-stage researchers, and young professional seeking to broaden their knowledge.
The European Space Agency (ESA) International Summer School on GNSS 2014 take place August 31 – September 10, 2015 at Hotel Alimara, Barcelona, Spain.
Held in conjunction with the European Commission Joint Research Center’s Summer School on GNSS, the program is open to graduate students (with a first university degree), Ph.D. candidates, early-stage researchers, and young professional seeking to broaden their knowledge.
ESA’s GNSS summer school offers attendees with a comprehensive overview on satellite navigation, starting with GNSS systems, signals, the processing of the observations in a receiver, and determining position-navigation-time (PNT) solutions. Substantial lab work will be carried out to provide attendees with “hands-on” experience.
In addition to the technical aspects of the program, lectures will be given on intellectual property rights (IPR), GNSS product and services liability, and patents as well as other business topics. The future of satellite systems is also discussed.
The main emphasis of the summer school will be to develop a group project using innovative ideas and covering the concept, business plan, and technical realization through to the marketing of the product or the service.
The following categories of prospective summer school students are invited to apply:
Graduate students (more than 3 years studies)
Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers (less than 35 years of age)
Young engineers and professionals from industry and agencies (less than 35 years of age).
The local organizer is the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Cooperating institutions include Stanford University, Institut Supérieur de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE), Toulouse, France; the Graz (Austria) University of Technology, and the University FAF Munich, Germany. The program is supported by the City Council of Barcelona, Spain.