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July 21, 2013

Jan Speidel

Jan Speidel was a Young Graduate Trainee in the GNSS Evolution Team and Strategy Division at the European Space Agency/ESTEC, The Netherlands, and now works as a Galileo system engineer at OHB System in Bremen, Germany.

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By Inside GNSS

Zhe He

Zhe He received his B.S. and M.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in guidance, navigation, and control.

He obtained a Ph.D. in geomatics engineering from the University of Calgary.

He’s research interests are statistical estimation theory applied to GNSS, inertial and integrated navigation systems.

Currently He works as a research associate/post-doctoral fellow in the Position, Location And Navigation (PLAN) Group in the Department of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary, Canada.

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By Inside GNSS

Antonio Pujante Cuadrupani

Antonio Pujante Cuadrupani is responsible for the PanamNav project, a world reference in GNSS authentication solutions.

He holds a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

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By Inside GNSS
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May 27, 2013

Roland Bauernfeind

Roland Bauernfeind joined the Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications (formerly the Institute of Geodesy and Navigation) at the University of Federal Armed Forces Munich in 2008 after a working at the German Space Operations Center as a satellite operations engineer.

He received a diploma in aerospace engineering from University of Stuttgart. 

Bauernfeind’s main research topic is mitigation of man-made interference in GNSS receivers with focus on applications in intelligent transport systems.

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By Inside GNSS

Jacob Campbell

Jacob Campbell is a senior electronics engineer in the Air Force Research Laboratory, Reference Systems Branch at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Ohio University. 

Currently, Campbell manages several Air Force navigation efforts, is the technical representative for DARPA’s cold atom inertial research, and serves as team lead for automated aerial refueling navigation technologies.

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By Inside GNSS

Jeff Dickman

Jeff Dickman is a research scientist with the Northrop Grumman Advanced Concepts and Technology Division.

His areas of expertise include GPS baseband processing, integrated navigation systems, and sensor stabilization.

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By Inside GNSS
May 19, 2013

Donald G. Caldwell

Donald G. Caldwell received a BSE degree from Arizona State University and completed course work for an M.S. in electrical engineering while working at Sperry Flight Systems.

He has worked in the area of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) for most of his career.

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By Inside GNSS
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Jason Graham

Jason Graham is the ground systems lead for Boeings Unmanned Little Bird (ULB) program, serving as the hardware and software architect for the ULB ground control station since program inception in 2003.

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By Inside GNSS

Travis Berka

Travis Berka joined Boeing Directed Energy Systems in 2007, after graduating from the University of Arizona with a bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering.

At Boeing, he supports a variety of programs with both field testing and data analysis.

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By Inside GNSS

Sheena Dixon

Sheena Dixon began her career at General Dynamics Canada after earning a bachelor of science degree in geomatics engineering from the University of Calgary.

She joined NovAtel in 2006 as a systems engineer in the aviation department, working on reference GNSS receivers and participating in the early development of Galileo reference receivers. Dixon joined the company’s applications engineering group in 2008, where she provided technical assistance to customers using and integrating NovAtel’s OEM products.

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By Inside GNSS

Sandy Kennedy

Sandy Kennedy is the principal engineer for all NovAtel SPAN products, managing the advanced development group and overseeing the transformation of new and enhanced technologies with a one to three–year horizon into robust products for both commercial and military customers.

She joined NovAtel in 2004 after completing a B.Sc. with Honors and an M.Sc. in geomatics engineering at the University of Calgary.

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By Inside GNSS

Mark Hardesty

Mark Hardesty is the flight test director for Boeing’s Unmanned Little Bird (ULB) program, having led numerous flight test campaigns including various weapons, sensor, and communication relay integration efforts.

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By Inside GNSS
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