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November 17, 2015

International Navigation Gathering Highlights GNSS Advances and Distractions

Sergey Revnivykh

Speakers at the recent International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN) conference in Prague threw into stark relief some of the big GNSS programs and even bigger GNSS questions.
Prof.-Dr. Günter Hein, former head of the European Space Agency (ESA) EGNOS and GNSS Evolution Program Department and Emeritus of Excellence at University FAF Munich, delivered a fact-filled and level-headed presentation on the status of Galileo, the European Union’s civil-owned and non-military GNSS, with slides and information provided by ESA.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 1, 2015

Karutin Named General Designer of GLONASS Program

Sergey Karutin, GLONASS General Designer

Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the appointment of Sergey Karutin, deputy director of the Central Research Institute of Machine Building and head of its PNT Center responsible for GLONASS operations, to serve as the new general designer of the Russian GNSS program.

In his new role, Karutin will undertake the “comprehensive work of further developing the system,” according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in charge of the nation’s defense and space industry.

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By Inside GNSS
October 28, 2015

New OriginGPS Module Uses MediaTek GNSS Chipset

OriginGPS announced the launch of a new family of products yesterday (October 27, 2015), the first of which is the Multi Micro Hornet ORG1510-MK, an integrated multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou) module based on the MediaTek MT3333 chip.

According to the Israel-based company, the 10x10x6.1 millimeter low-power architecture supports an update rate of up to 10 hertz and contains onboard flash, supporting devices that require full-featured components with small footprints, such as UAVs designed to follow action sports and other fast-moving activities or wearables.

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By Inside GNSS
September 30, 2015

Privacy Hard to Maintain as Apps Gather GNSS Location Data for Retailers, Crowd-Sourcing

The average person with a smart phone has their location revealed every three minutes, according to a recent study, information that can be determined even if GNSS capabilities are turned off, experts said.
Research published last year by Carnegie Mellon, showed that, overall, “somebody or something was trying to get your location” every three minutes, said Logan Scott, an expert in GPS, cellular and wireless technologies. “Over a space of two weeks the average is about 6,200 position reports coming out of that (phone).”

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By Inside GNSS
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GNSS Stars in ITS World Congress

GNSS technology, which has been in the background of many intelligent transport system (ITS) projects and programs, will be front and center at the ITS World Congress 2015 next week (October 5-9, 2015) in Bordeaux, France.

Under the theme, “Towards Intelligent Mobility — Better Use of Space,” the event will draw thousands of registered attendees and around 200 exhibitors to take part in technical sessions, panel discussions, and demonstrations of ITS technology, products, and servuces.

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By Inside GNSS
September 24, 2015

ION GNSS+ 2016

ION GNSS+ 2016: GNSS + Other Sensors in Today’s Marketplace will take place at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon from September 12 through 16, 2016. Tutorials will take place on September 12 and 13.

The 56th CGISC meeting will be held concurrently on September 12 and 13. Meetings of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee are free and open to the public.

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By Inside GNSS
September 20, 2015

ITM 2016: ION International Technical Meeting 2016

Monterey Bay, California.

The Institute of Navigation’s 2016 International Technical Meeting (ITM) will take place January 25-28 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey in Monterey, California.

The abstract submission deadline has passed.

Discounted Registration and hotel reservations end January 3, 2016. PTTI registration includes access to the International Technical Meeting (ITM).

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By Inside GNSS
September 17, 2015

Unicore Releases High-End, High-Precision UB380 GNSS Receiver Board

Unicore UR380 GNSS Receiver with UB380

Unicore released UB380 GPS/GLONASSS/BDS high precision board at ION GNSS+ 2015, held this week in Tampa, Florida.

UB380 is a 384-channel, multi-GNSS receiver that supports GPS, GLONASS, and the BeiDou Satellite System (BDS) based on Unicore’s multi-GNSS system on a chip. The receiver board can support GPS L1, L2, and L5; GLONASS L1, L2; and BDS B1, B2 and B3.

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By Inside GNSS