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July 21, 2010
Figure 2: On the Air

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By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Figure 1: On the Air

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By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Steffen Thoelert

Steffen Thoelert received his diploma degree in electrical engineering with fields of expertise in high-frequency engineering and communications at the University of Magdeburg,…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Stefan Erker

Stefan Erker received his diploma degree in communication technology at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 2007 he joined the Institute of…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Gabriel Wong

Gabriel Wong is an Electrical Engineering Ph.D. candidate at the Stanford University GPS Research Laboratory. He has previously received an M.S.(EE) from Stanford…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
R. Eric Phelts

R. Eric Phelts, Ph.D., is a research engineer in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. He received his B.S. in…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Boris Shebshaevich

Boris V. Shebshaevich graduated from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (now St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”) as an engineer in radio technology and since…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Valery Ipatov

Valery P. Ipatov graduated from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (now St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”) with the diploma of engineer in radio technology…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Takuji Ebinuma

Takuji Ebinuma received his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently a senior researcher at the…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Bryan Townsend

Bryan Townsend has more than 20 years experience in various GNSS fields including receiver design, ground- and space-based augmentation systems, and real-time kinematic…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Ivan Petrovski

Ivan Petrovski is a principal at iP-Solutions, a Japanese based company founded in 2007 to develop intellectual property (IP), products for R&D and…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Benedikt von Wulfen

Benedikt von Wulfen holds a Dipl.-Ing. in electrical engineering and has been employed as a research engineer at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute…

By Inside GNSS

July 21, 2010
Michael Meurer

Michael Meurer, Ph.D., is the head of the Department of Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Communications and Navigation, and…

By Inside GNSS

July 20, 2010
GNSS Status Report from ICG

The International Committee on GNSS (ICG) has published a report on “Current and Planned Global and Regional Navigation Satellite Systems and Satellite-Based Augmentation…

By Inside GNSS

July 19, 2010
Air Force Investigating Residuals in GPS IIF Signals

GPS IIF-SV1 launch. United Launch Alliance photo [Updated July 22, 2010] Air Force officials at the GPS Wing have confirmed that higher-the-expected range…

By Inside GNSS
