Herman Toho Diessongo received his diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in geodesy and geoinformation from the Universität der Bundeswehr München. Since 2010 he has worked at…
By Inside GNSS
Jochen Roth is a Dr.-Ing. candidate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He received his Diploma in electrical engineering and information technology…
By Inside GNSS
Claus Kaschwich received his Diploma in electrical engineering and information technology from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Currently, he is a Dr.-Ing candidate…
By Inside GNSS
Gert F. Trommer received the Dipl.-Ing. and the Dr.-Ing. degrees in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He joined EADS/LFK,…
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Back in television’s halcyon days I should have been watching Donald Herbert explain science and technology on his Mr. Wizard programs. But I…
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Return to main article: "Spoofs, Proofs & Jamming"
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Return to main article: "Spoofs, Proofs & Jamming"
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Paul Benshoof Locata Corporation has announced that U.S. Air Force (USAF) veteran Paul Benshoof, formerly chief of strategic development at the 746th Test…
By Inside GNSS
Trimble Dimensions, the 2012 International User Conference, will take place at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada from November 5 to 7….
By Inside GNSS
The U.S. and European GNSS programs will launch satellites within a week of each other next month. A GPS Block IIF satellite is…
By Inside GNSS
"BeiDou Applications – Opportunities and Challenges" is the subject of the 2013 China Satellite Navigation Conference to be held in Wuhan, China on…
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