The 2012 AGU fall meeting will take place from December 3 through December 7 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
Keynote speakers include Ira Flatow, host of National Public Radio’s Science Friday program; Dr. Surbra Suresh, director of the National Science Foundation; and Sir Robert Watson, whose career includes stints at JPL, NASA, the World Bank and now chief scientific advisor to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs;
The 2012 AGU fall meeting will take place from December 3 through December 7 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
Keynote speakers include Ira Flatow, host of National Public Radio’s Science Friday program; Dr. Surbra Suresh, director of the National Science Foundation; and Sir Robert Watson, whose career includes stints at JPL, NASA, the World Bank and now chief scientific advisor to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs;
This is the largest conference on the geophysical sciences, with sections on geodesy, atmospheric sciences and seismology and many GNSS-related lectures, videos and presentations.
These include
- GNSS Techniques and Applications poster sessions on Monday
- Exotic and unusual applications of geodesy presentations on Monday
morning – GPS and the Tohoku earthquake, observations of underground
nuclear explosions and estimating sea-state - Earthquakeand tsunami disturbances detected by GPS total electron content observation on Wednesday afternoon
- and many more