This five-day workshop is one of several sponsored by the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations in various European countries. The workshops will give participants an overview of GNSS systems and applications with the aim of strengthening a network of national reference stations and promoting the interoperability of navigation, positioning and timing systems in the region.
The UN/Croatia workshop will take place on Baška, Krk Island on April 21-25, 2013.
It is free.
This five-day workshop is one of several sponsored by the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations in various European countries. The workshops will give participants an overview of GNSS systems and applications with the aim of strengthening a network of national reference stations and promoting the interoperability of navigation, positioning and timing systems in the region.
The UN/Croatia workshop will take place on Baška, Krk Island on April 21-25, 2013.
It is free.
The workshop will be held in English. Organizers aim for a total of 75 Croatian scientists, engineers, educators and policy makers from a number of institutions and industry. Participants will present papers on the use of GNSS technologies, case studies and projects in the region.
Participants will also discuss GNSS Applications
and Space Weather, GNSS Reference Networks and Services, and GNSS
Education in those respective working groups.
Participants must be in senior management or positions of decision-making authority and women are especially urged to apply. Apply online by February 8, 2013.
Please contact Ms. Ayoni Oyeneyin if you have questions about participation.
The main contact for Croatia is Mrs. Marija Šimić-Hlača. Contact her at the email address below.
The event is co-organized and hosted by the Faculty of Maritime Studies of the University of Rijeka.