This notice informs the public that the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Directorate will host the 2017 Public Interface Control Working Group and Open Public Forum on September 6-7, 2017 for the following NAVSTAR GPS public documents: IS-GPS-200 (Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705 (User Segment L5 Interfaces), ICD-GPS-240 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces), and ICD-GPS-870 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces). Additional logistical details can be found below.
This notice informs the public that the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Directorate will host the 2017 Public Interface Control Working Group and Open Public Forum on September 6-7, 2017 for the following NAVSTAR GPS public documents: IS-GPS-200 (Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705 (User Segment L5 Interfaces), ICD-GPS-240 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces), and ICD-GPS-870 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces). Additional logistical details can be found below.
The purpose of this meeting is to update the public on GPS public document revisions and collect issues/comments for analysis and possible integration into future GPS public document revisions. All outstanding comments on the GPS public documents will be considered along with the comments received at this year’s open forum in the next revision cycle. The 2017 Interface Control Working Group and Open Forum are open to the general public. For those who would like to attend and participate, it is recommended you register no later than August 30, 2017. Please send the registration information to SMCGPER@us.af.mil, providing your name, organization, telephone number, email address, and country of citizenship.
The forum will be held at TASC/Engility, 100 N Sepulveda Blvd., El Segundo, CA 90245, the Great Room.
Comments will be collected, catalogued, and discussed as potential inclusions to the version following the current release. If accepted, these changes will be processed through the formal directorate change process for IS-GPS-200, IS-GPS-705, ICD-GPS-240, and ICD-GPS-870. All comments must be submitted in a Comments Resolution Matrix (CRM). This form along with current versions of the documents and the official meeting notice are posted at: http://www.gps.gov/technical/icwg/meetings/2017/.
Comments should be submitted to the SMC/GPS Requirements (SMC/GPER) mailbox at SMCGPER@us.af.mil by August 10, 2017. Special topics may also be considered for the Public Open Forum. If you wish to present a special topic, please submit any materials to SMC/GPER no later than August 1, 2017. For more information, please contact 2Lt Irvin Vazquez at 310-653-4191 or Mr. Daniel Godwin at 310-653-3640.