The annual Space Weather Workshop will take place on April 8-11 2014 at Millennium Hotel in Boulder, Colorado.
Registration is now open. Sunday, March 23 is the registration and abstract submission deadline.
This meeting will bring together customers, forecasters, vendors, government agencies and researchers of space weather information.
The annual Space Weather Workshop will take place on April 8-11 2014 at Millennium Hotel in Boulder, Colorado.
Registration is now open. Sunday, March 23 is the registration and abstract submission deadline.
This meeting will bring together customers, forecasters, vendors, government agencies and researchers of space weather information.
The conference will cover the diverse impacts of space weather on today’s technology in communications, navigation, spacecraft operations, aviation, and electric power. Discussion will focus on prioritizing services that can guide future research and identifying critical capabilities that can be put into practice.
The conference schedule and list of presentations will be available soon.
Begun in 1996 as a small meeting for the space weather community, it has grown into the largest forum for space weather effects and predictions in the United States. The event is sponsored by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center.