Royal Institute of Navigation, European Navigation Conferences on GNSS, PNT Co-Locate Virtually in November

The European Navigation Conference and the Royal Institute of Navigation’s (RIN’s) International Navigation Conference are one and the same in 2021. They convene jointly and virtually as Navigation 2021, from November 15 to 18.

The themes of Navigation 2021 bring together diverse disciplines to stimulate insights and knowledge sharing towards a more navigable world:

  • PNT Systems & Technology
  • Navigation In The Space Environment And Space Segment Developments
  • Robust & Resilient PNT
  • Applications of PNT
  • Animal And Human Navigation
  • PNT In Society

Participants come from across government, academia, industry and all PNT sectors. The Call for Papers is now open via

The conference will be held virtually using RIN’s interactive platform, which will enable delegates to make new contacts and exchange ideas beyond the talks. If possible, an in-person element will be added as an option during 2021.

Navigation and timing are critical to the world we all inhabit. The RIN believes that the work of the wider navigation community enables societal benefit including support to national grand challenges as well as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve this requires collaboration and understanding across science, technology and practice.

The RIN invites all in the PNT community to visit and contribute to Navigation 2021 to open minds, share ideas and build knowledge and understanding.





