Telematics Detroit 2009 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Telematics Detroit 2009

The Telematics Detroit 2009 Conference & Exhibition covers the digital in-car and mobile industries. It will take place on June 2-3 at The Rock Financial Showplace in Novi, Michigan.

The event features senior-level speakers from Ford, Toyota, TomTom, Yahoo!, Garmin, Panasonic, Garmin, U.S. Department of Transportation, Visteon, Google and others.

The Telematics Detroit 2009 Conference & Exhibition covers the digital in-car and mobile industries. It will take place on June 2-3 at The Rock Financial Showplace in Novi, Michigan.

The event features senior-level speakers from Ford, Toyota, TomTom, Yahoo!, Garmin, Panasonic, Garmin, U.S. Department of Transportation, Visteon, Google and others.

For one admission price, delegates may attend all keynotes and plenary sessions, followed by five mini-conferences on Navigation and Location, Telematics Services and In-car Infotainment, Advanced Communication Technologies and Asset Management.

Inside GNSS subscribers are eligible for a $350.00 discount. Register online with code PARTNER1525 at

To download the full e-brochure, and for more event and registration information, visit the website below:
