Royal Institute of Navigation NAV2008/ILA Conference - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Royal Institute of Navigation NAV2008/ILA Conference

The NAV08 and International Loran Association (ILA37) conference and exhibition will cover the evolution of navigation technology and practices for users and research and development specialists. This year’s theme is "We Are Here!"

The NAV08 and International Loran Association (ILA37) conference and exhibition will cover the evolution of navigation technology and practices for users and research and development specialists. This year’s theme is "We Are Here!"

Maritime, aerospace and ground vehicle navigation will be covered in depth. Technology and infrastructure issues will be examined, including those concerning eLoran, GNSS and other
associated systems.

NAV08/ILA37 will be held at Church House, Westminster, London, October 28-30 2008 and will take place in two parallel sessions over three days. Associated training sessions covering aspects of eLoran and GNSS will take place on October 27.
