Peter Whibberley is a Senior Research Scientist in the Time and Frequency group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK’s national measurement institute.
Peter Whibberley is a Senior Research Scientist in the Time and Frequency group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK’s national measurement institute.
After graduating from Oxford University, UK, Peter worked on far infrared and millimeter wavelength measurement at NPL until moving to Time and Frequency in 1990. For 10 years he was part of a small team that constructed a prototype caesium fountain primary frequency standard at NPL. Since then Peter has acted as lead scientist for the Time activities at NPL, including operation of the national time scale UTC(NPL), the satellite-based time transfer links to other national timing centres, and the time dissemination services.
Peter participates in a number of international committees, including Study Group 7 of the International Telecommunication Union, and has been elected to take over as Chair of the Technical Committee for Time and Frequency within EURAMET, the European Association of NMIs, in May 2017.