The European Space Agency has extended until May 16 the deadline for paper abstracts for oral and poster presentations for NAVITEC 2008, ESA’s fourth workshop on satellite navigation user equipment technologies.
This year’s theme is "GNSS User Technologies in the Sensor Fusion Era." Galileo receiver technologies and experimentation are a special focus of this year’s event.
The workshop will take place from December 10-12 at the European Space and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
The European Space Agency has extended until May 16 the deadline for paper abstracts for oral and poster presentations for NAVITEC 2008, ESA’s fourth workshop on satellite navigation user equipment technologies.
This year’s theme is "GNSS User Technologies in the Sensor Fusion Era." Galileo receiver technologies and experimentation are a special focus of this year’s event.
The workshop will take place from December 10-12 at the European Space and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Submit your abstract online by going to the conference website main page at <http://www.congrex.nl/08C19/>and selecting "Call for Abstracts."
Paper submissions will be considered for original work on the following topics: receiver technology, receiver navigation algorithms, fusion with other sensors, multipath and interference, space navigation receivers, user equipment technology for EGNOS and Galileo
applications, scientific applications and propagation models and more.
NAVITEC 2008 is one of a series of workshops hosted by the European Space Agency on satellite radionavigation user equipment technologies. The 2008 event will cover hybridization with other navigation technologies and aids, such as inertial sensors and wireless networks.
The workshop is designed for designers, developers, integrators, users, and representatives from government agencies and universities.
For technical and program inquiries, Email Gustavo López Risueño at Gustavo.Lopez.Risueno@esa.int.