ION Reschedules CASSCA 2019 Conference Due to Partial Government Shutdown - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

ION Reschedules CASSCA 2019 Conference Due to Partial Government Shutdown

Manassas, Virginia, January 8, 2019Due to the extended impasse between U.S. Congressional leaders and the White House that has created a partial U.S. government shutdown, the Institute of Navigation (ION) has decided to postpone the Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA) Conference scheduled to take place January 28-29, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia.

The U.S. Government shutdown has impacted CASSCA speakers and attendees and brought uncertainty about the number of government officials working in autonomous systems who are currently furloughed, making this decision inevitable.

The CASSCA Conference has been rescheduled to be held September 16-17, 2019 in Miami, Florida in parallel with ION GNSS+. The ION is committed to this strong and dynamic technical program and is confident this venue will provide maximum exposure and networking opportunities for the highly esteemed invited speakers and conference attendees. See for a revised program.

The ION’s International Technical Meeting (ITM) and Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications meeting will proceed as scheduled, January 28-31, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Reston, Reston, Virginia. ITM/PTTI 2019 is heavily supported by academia, industry and DOD and ITM/PTTI pre-registration levels are currently trending ahead of last year and the technical program is strong, ION states.

The Institute of Navigation is the world’s premier professional society dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of positioning, navigation and timing. Additional information about the ION is found at

