[Updated June 30] Lucky you – you have three extra days to submit your GNSS application idea to the USA Challenge! The extended deadline is midnight Sunday (Europe) or 3 P.M. (Pacific time) on July 3.
Right now, some team is hard at work in a basement, an office, a dorm room or a lab. They are about to come up with a new, useful and commercially viable idea for a satellite navigation application or location based service.
[Updated June 30] Lucky you – you have three extra days to submit your GNSS application idea to the USA Challenge! The extended deadline is midnight Sunday (Europe) or 3 P.M. (Pacific time) on July 3.
Right now, some team is hard at work in a basement, an office, a dorm room or a lab. They are about to come up with a new, useful and commercially viable idea for a satellite navigation application or location based service.
You might know them. You might BE them. It’s you we’re talking to — register now for the USA Challenge, a regional contest in the eighth European Satellite Navigation Competition (slightly misnamed, because now people all over the world are joining in).
Once you enter the USA Challenge, you’re eligible to compete for ESNC 2011 special topic prizes.
Here’s what you could win:
Free ride to ION GNSS 2011 on September 20-23
The USA Challenge five finalists get round-trip airfare to Portland, Oregon (up to $750 each) and full registration. (A cool exhibit booth to discuss your ideas with movers and shakers is included. It is near the food.) Also, Portland is an interesting place for the creative.
You will make a presentation about your idea on the exhibition floor at a special event that includes a custom-designed USA challenge award sculpture and a People’s Choice award.
Expenses-paid trip to the ESNC awards ceremony in Munich, Germany, on October 19 for the winner (airfare, hotel and per diem). You’ll represent the USA Challenge at the ceremony and the Bavarian State reception in der Residenz
Inside GNSS Cover feature article for the winner in November/December 2011. (See last year’s winner here)
$1,000 cash prize for the top application idea. And, excitingly, the USA Challenge winner is automatically considered for the top international award: the Galileo Master and a €20,000 (US$28,700) cash prize.
Find out more about the USA Challenge.
or, if you’re ready to do it, register here.
You have several groups to thank for this great contest: First, Anwendungszentrum (Space Applications Center), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany who organize the Galileo Masters – the European Satellite Navigation Competition. Secondly, us (Inside GNSS) with the generous support and enthusiasm of NovAtel Inc. and the Institute of Navigation.