IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference

This is the ninth in a series of annual week-long conferences that attracts aerospace engineers, scientists, and managers from corporations, NASA, government laboratories, military, and universities. One hundred and thirty-four technical sessions are scheduled for the 2009 event, which will take place at the Big Sky Resort in southwestern Montana.

This is the ninth in a series of annual week-long conferences that attracts aerospace engineers, scientists, and managers from corporations, NASA, government laboratories, military, and universities. One hundred and thirty-four technical sessions are scheduled for the 2009 event, which will take place at the Big Sky Resort in southwestern Montana.

The program will survey and record key innovations and achievements in aerospace technologies and their current and future applications.

Of particular interest to Inside GNSS readers is Track 4: Communication and Navigation Systems and Technologies with sessions on GNSS and advanced communications, navigation and surveillance for national airspace.

The event is organized by IEEE. The technical cosponsor is AIAA, the aerospace engineers’ professional group.

Register online at the website below.
