GMV Developing a New Version of the Galileo HAS High Accuracy Data Generator

The multinational technology company GMV has been selected by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) to develop a new version of the High Accuracy Data Generator (HADG) as part of Phase 2 of the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) development.

This service offers free real-time precise positioning corrections to all Galileo system users. The first version of the HADG, also developed by GMV, is currently operational and provides users with the Initial Service (Phase 1) of the HAS.

The new contract, with a duration of up to 45 months and a budget of up to 12 million euros, includes the design, development, deployment, support to commissioning and, optionally, maintenance of an improved version of the HADG. This new version will also incorporate the new functionalities required to deliver the services planned for Phase 2 (Full Service) of the HAS deployment.

Specifically, the new version of the HAS data generator will:

  • Improve the performance level of Service Level 1 (SL1): The deployment of a new version of GMV’s magicPPP® algorithms for precise corrections calculation and the expansion of the ground station network will provide global coverage and enhance the accuracy and availability of the SL1 service.
  • Implement a new Service Level 2 (SL2): This is a new regional service that will be available only in Europe. By transmitting atmospheric corrections, it will make it possible to reduce the convergence time required to achieve maximum accuracy at user-level.
  • Implement a new functionality for the authentication of HAS corrections transmitted through the Galileo constellation, thereby increasing user security and confidence in the service.

Since 2020, GMV has led the development of the Galileo HAS data generator following the award of the first contract with EUSPA. Since its operational launch in January 2023, the Galileo HAS service has provided accuracy for advanced applications in sectors such as navigation, agriculture, geodesy, and autonomous driving. In the new contract, GMV maintains its role as the main contractor and leader of an industrial consortium that includes atmospheric modelling experts from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and cybersecurity specialists from Sidertia.

According to Miguel Romay, General Manager of Satellite Navigation Systems at GMV: “The new contract to evolve the Galileo HAS service consolidates GMV’s commitment to technological excellence and its leadership capacity in key projects for Europe. This achievement reinforces GMV’s role in Galileo and allows the company to continue innovating to offer transformative solutions that benefit society.”
