Galileo Services Evolves into Space Y: This Is Why We Should Invest in Space Infrastructure - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Galileo Services Evolves into Space Y: This Is Why We Should Invest in Space Infrastructure

The business association previously known as Galileo Services has changed its name to SpaceY. The group is a non-profit organization of industries previously covering GNSS applications and services. Consisting of 188 companies from 20 countries, it will continue to focus on satellite navigation, but now also incorporating other elements of the EU Space Programme. Its mission remains to create value for Europe through the development of applications and the growth of the European downstream industry.

It emphasizes that the huge investments in space infrastructure must be based on real user needs, and on the tangible socio-economic benefits it will generate: This is whY Europe invests in Space, and the fundamental focus of SpaceY.

Its recent manifesto reads:

“Beyond showcasing the EU know-how in the upstream and guaranteeing EU autonomy, EU investments in space infrastructures must generate return in Europe through developing a competitive downstream industry for the global market. This will ensure support for European politics such as Health, Green Deal, etc., but also sustaining economic growth, fostering employment and business for the benefit of European citizens and users. Any public investment in an EU space infrastructure must be accompanied by a clear and precise programme to ensure the development of the downstream sector.

“This is why we should invest in space infrastructure.”

For almost 20 years, the organization’s mission has been to support and assist in the implementation of the Galileo and EGNOS programmes and to stimulate GNSS downstream technology and business development (terminals, applications and services), leading to significant job creation opportunities, economic growth in the EU and enhanced quality of life for its citizens. It also advertises the European industry competence all over the world, supports EU institutions on request and expresses industry views. Galileo Services has worked in close collaboration with the key European institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council as well as other agencies, such as the European GNSS Agency (upcoming EUSPA- EU Space Programme Agency), the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space agencies providing a unified voice on issues of importance to the industrial sector.

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