ESA European Space Weather Week (ESWW6)

The sixth European Space Weather Week gathering will take place November 16-20 2009 at the Oud Sin-Jan conference center in Bruges, a UNESCO world heritage site. The welcome reception will take place in the Gothic Meeting Hall of the city.

The meeting is divided into five sessions on topical themes and a wrap-up of the key issues and a roundtable discussion on future European directions in space weather.It will also include a space weather fair.

The abstract submission deadline is September 14, 2009.

The sixth European Space Weather Week gathering will take place November 16-20 2009 at the Oud Sin-Jan conference center in Bruges, a UNESCO world heritage site. The welcome reception will take place in the Gothic Meeting Hall of the city.

The meeting is divided into five sessions on topical themes and a wrap-up of the key issues and a roundtable discussion on future European directions in space weather.It will also include a space weather fair.

The abstract submission deadline is September 14, 2009.

Of particular interest to readers of Inside GNSS are:

Session 1: Space Weather and Space Situational Awareness. Among the topics are disruptions to GNSS.
Session 2: Space Weather Impacts on Communications Systems. This session aims to address space weather’s effect on signal propagation of different parts of the spectrum

This event will build on advances made during previous Space Weather Weeks and ESA Space Weather Applications Workshops. It is supported by the European Space Agency, The
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence, The EC COST Office, The Belgian
Science Policy Office, COSPAR and the International Space Environment
