The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications Workshop (CASSCA) features well-recognized experts and leaders from government, industry, and academia.
The workshop, held in Reston, Virginia on January 29, 2018, will discuss the opportunities and challenges (technical, commercial, ethical, and legal) associated with developing fully autonomous systems that are cognizant and trustworthy for safety critical applications. Sponsored by ION, the workshop is free to attend and the organizer is Prof. Zak Kassas, from the University of California, Riverside.
Workshop Program
The following speakers have been confirmed, with additional speakers added soon.
David Corman, program manager (Cyber-Physical Systems Program) NSF; Paul DeBitetto, vice president, software engineering, Top Flight Technologies; Finch Fulton, deputy assistant secretary for transportation policy, DoT; Joao Hespanha, professor and chair (ECE Department) UC Santa Barbara; Robert Peterson, professor and director (Center for Insurance Law and Regulation), Santa Clara University; Giorgio Rizzoni, professor and director (Center for Automotive Research), The
Ohio State University; Steven Rogers, senior scientist for Automatic Target Recognition and Sensor Fusion, AFRL.
To regsiter: https://www.ion.org/sign-in.cfm?rURL=%2Fcassca%2Fregistration%2Dattendee%2Ecfm