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Aerospace and Defense

April 17, 2017

Fall Delivery Expected for GPS OCX Block O

GPS III satellites undergoing testing at Lockheed Martin plant in Colorado. Photo source: Lockheed Martin.

A Raytheon executive said that the company expects to deliver the Block O Launch and Checkout System to the U.S. Air Force this fall as part of the GPS Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX).  

In addition, the company completed a baseline procedure to recertify the troubled OCX program, which was approved by the U.S. Air Force, at the end of March, said Bill Sullivan, Raytheon vice president and program manager for GPS OCX, at the recent 33rd annual Space Symposium meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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By Inside GNSS
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April 1, 2017

Would you prefer to have more signals or more satellites?

Q: Would you prefer to have more signals or more satellites?

A: This is somewhat of a classic GNSS question, but before getting to the answer, let’s seek some clarity about what is being asked. First, by definition, “more” signals or “more” systems must be referenced against some baseline configuration. This is commonly assumed to be a GPS L1 C/A solution, and this assumption is also used herein.

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By Inside GNSS
March 28, 2017

GSA, Eutelsat Contract Marks Major Milestone for EGNOS V3

With expectations including the delivery of better accuracy and improved resilience to EGNOS performance, there’s plenty of excitement surrounding the development of EGNOS V3.

A big step toward this development was taken when the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) selected Eutelsat Communications for the development, integration and operation of the next-generation EGNOS payload on a future Eutelsat satellite.

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By Inside GNSS
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February 6, 2017

EndRun Releases GPS-Synchronized RTM3205 Precision Timing Module

RTM3205 Precision Timing Module. Photo source: EndRun Technologies.

Santa Rosa, California-based EndRun Technologies, a provider of precision time and frequency solutions, announced last week at the International Technical Meeting-Precision Time/Time Interval (ITM-PTTI) meeting, the release of the RTM3205 Precision Timing Module for portable time and frequency applications. The second generation RTM3205 is optimized for size, weight, and power (SWaP), but can exceed the stability of a standard cesium atomic frequency reference, according to the company.

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By Inside GNSS
January 24, 2017

State of Play in China

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is China’s contribution to the world in the domain of Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS). The BDS is being developed by the Chinese government, mainly through military departments, with key considerations for China’s national security, economic interests and social progress.

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By Ingo Baumann

GPS Roundup: Congress Reopens for Business

Washington has seen a lot of transitions, so even amidst political controversy it’s generally business as usual.

For the GPS community that business, at least in the near term, will likely center on changes in federal leadership — with many key appointments, like a new Secretary of the Air Force, still to be determined. In addition — even at this early stage when new lawmakers are still trying to find their offices — there are issues and opportunities worth watching in emerging legislation.

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By Dee Ann Divis
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