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Proton launch failure raises questions about timeline for completing GLONASS constellation

The September 6 crash of a Russian Proton-M rocket carrying a Japanese telecommunications satellite (JCSAT 11) has injected an element of uncertainty into plans for completing the GLONASS constellation.

Russia’s Baikonur cosmodrome automatically suspended all Proton rocket flights, pending an investigation, after the failure of the rocket, which crashed in the steppes of Kazakhstan just over two minutes after lift-off. Russia rents the space facility from Kazakhstan, a former republic in the USSR.

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By Inside GNSS
July 2, 2007

U.S. Air Force Releases GPS Block IIIA Satellite RFP

After several false starts in the previous months and a multi-year delay in the overall GPS III architecture development, the GPS Wing (formerly the GPS Joint Program Office) announced on July 12 the release of a request for proposal for the development and production of the GPS Block IIIA satellites.

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By Inside GNSS
July 1, 2007

Galileo’s New PPP: Public-Public Partnership?

GSA Executive Director Pedro Pedreira (left) and Guiseppe Viriglio, ESA director of telecom and navigation, at signing of accord

Having abandoned — for the time being at least — attempts to attract private investment to the creation of Galileo’s infrastructure, European GNSS leaders are working to shape a Plan B that can gain support from the program’s extensive group of stakeholders.

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By Inside GNSS
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May 1, 2007

Galileo’s Plan B (and C)

A sea change appears to be taking place in Europe’s Galileo program as its political masters prepare to transform the struggling public-private partnership (PPP) into a more traditional institutional program wholly sponsored by the public sector.

That would move an additional €2.4 to €3 billion onto the public tax burden, but it might also represent the quickest route to completion of the GNSS project backed by the European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

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By Inside GNSS

Galileo Plods On

Europe’s Galileo program continues to take small steps as it waits to see if it can get through an impasse between the European Commission (EC) and the consortium of companies seeking a concession to complete and operate the Galileo system.

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By Inside GNSS
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March 2, 2007

More Perils for Galileo . . . and Other GNSS Dramas

A convergence of developments over the past few months has brought Europe’s Galileo program to the most critical passage of its history — at least, since final approval of the GNSS initiative by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Union (EU) in 2003 and 2004, respectively.

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By Inside GNSS
January 31, 2007

GPS Block III Contracts

The U.S. Air Force has awarded two $50 million contracts to Boeing and Lockheed Martin to execute a system design review for the next-generation GPS space segment program, GPS Block III.

The contracts come on the heels of both companies successfully completing system requirements reviews in November 2006. Those reviews, part of a $10 million follow-on order to a Phase A Concept Development Contract awarded in 2004, assessed Boeing’s and Lockheed’s ability to mitigate development and delivery risks associated with building the Block III satellites.

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By Inside GNSS

DHS Buys IEC’s 3-D Locator

L-3 Interstate Electronics Corporation (IEC), Anaheim, California, has been awarded a preproduction contract for Advanced Three-Dimension Locators by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Advanced Research Project Agency. The contract represents an initial step by DHS to provide a solution for accurately identifying the location of emergency response personnel in disaster or emergency situations.

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By Inside GNSS

RTK Precise Positioning

Calgary, Alberta, Canada’s NovAtel Inc. offers a new real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning solution, known as AdVance RTK, designed to enhance the precision and performance of the company’s OEMV family of GNSS receiver boards.

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By Inside GNSS

NordNav, CPS Purchase to Support Mobile Phone Effort

BlueTooth technology provider CSR, of Cambridge, United Kingdom, has acquired NordNav Technologies AB, of Sweden, and Cambridge Positioning Systems Ltd. (CPS) of also of Cambridge, UK. Taken together, the acquisitions will allow the company to provide software-based low-cost GPS suitable for mass-market mobile phones and Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs).

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By Inside GNSS