Bryan W. Welch is an electronics engineer in the Advanced High Frequency Branch (Code LCF) at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bryan W. Welch is an electronics engineer in the Advanced High Frequency Branch (Code LCF) at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Cleveland, Ohio.
He contributes to several projects in the fields of communication and navigation system analysis. Welch currently supports the GRC SCENIC Project as the lead communications engineer and the GRC Cognitive Communications Project as the RF/communications lead of the SCAN Testbed payload, as well as having previously supported the GRC GPS/PNT Project as its technical lead and working with international partners of the International Committee on GNSS WG-B in its technical analysis development.
Welch received a Bachelor of electrical engineering degree and Master of Science in electrical engineering from Cleveland State University. He is currently finalizing his dissertation research activities in support of an Engineering Ph.D. Welch joined NASA in 2002.