“Growing Galileo” is the theme of a conference and exhibition taking place November 14–15 in Brussels, Belgium, that will highlight the work under way and planned for developing applications of Europe’s GNSS system.
“Growing Galileo” is the theme of a conference and exhibition taking place November 14–15 in Brussels, Belgium, that will highlight the work under way and planned for developing applications of Europe’s GNSS system.
Participants will hear about GNSS-related projects under the European Union’s 6th Research Framework Program as well as opportunities for funding of projects under the new 7th Research Framework Program, including the specific focus of the first call for proposals – in which €40 million Euros are earmarked for Galileo and EGNOS R&D in 2007, with more to come over the following six years.
Organized by the European GNSS Supervisory Agency (GSA), this 2-day conference will also feature a series of high-level addresses from the public and private sector, an exhibition of newly developed Galileo technologies and applications, as well as a variety of networking opportunities.
Speakers include the following:
• Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission, in charge of Transport
• Etelka Barsi-Pataky, Member of European Parliament, Galileo Rapporteur
• Matthias Ruete, Director-General, Energy and Transport Directorate, European Commission
• Ralf Nejedl, Executive Vice President, Business Center Location-Based Services, T-Systems
• Teemu Toroi, Director of Technology Platform Strategy, Nokia
• Pedro Pedreira, Executive Director, European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA)
The two-day program is as follows:
Day 1: Wednesday, 14 November
GALILEO Technology and Application Showcase
• Information on the Galileo program status
• Keynote speeches from industry leaders
• Success stories from Galileo FP6 R&D projects
• Roundtables on user technology
• Exhibition of Galileo and EGNOS applications and technologies
• Networking cocktail
Day 2: Thursday, 15 November
Information Day on Galileo & EGNOS research opportunities under the
EU’s 7th Framework Program (FP7)
• Industry overview and success stories
• Highlights on Galileo applications and technologies development
• Presentation of the Galileo FP7 first call
The conference will take place at the Charlemagne Conference Centre, 170 Rue de la Loi, Brussels, Belgium.
Details and registration are available on-line at the GSA website.