Tiziano Botticchio is a senior hardware designer with extensive experience in the design of complex hardware systems involving digital and analog custom boards, standard instruments, and their software control.
Tiziano Botticchio is a senior hardware designer with extensive experience in the design of complex hardware systems involving digital and analog custom boards, standard instruments, and their software control.
He designed and tested several such systems including Space Engineering’s DVB-S2 Professional Demonstrator, Wideband On Board Transparent Demonstrator (for both the ESA wideband digital beam forming antenna and Regenerative Bent Pipe Processor contracts), and the Inter-Satellite links high-dynamic channel emulator (ESA Contract EGEP-81).
Under the ERP contract Botticchio designed the innovative ground clock–steered CMCU, the processing rack backplane, and the entire software control layer of the ERP Test Bed and was also responsible for the ERP integration and acceptance tests.