Raven Innovation Summit 2013: Precision Agriculture - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Raven Innovation Summit 2013: Precision Agriculture

Eastern South Dakota farmland, Coddington County

The Raven Innovation Summit 2013 will take place at the Sioux Falls Sheraton and Convention Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota from 3 p.m. on June 4 to 5 p.m. on June 5.

Raven Industries applied technology division develops GPS-guided steering systems and other precision agriculure products. Its electronic systems division (starlinkdgps.com) specializes in GPS navigation signal amplification and connection solutions.

The Raven Innovation Summit 2013 will take place at the Sioux Falls Sheraton and Convention Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota from 3 p.m. on June 4 to 5 p.m. on June 5.

Raven Industries applied technology division develops GPS-guided steering systems and other precision agriculure products. Its electronic systems division (starlinkdgps.com) specializes in GPS navigation signal amplification and connection solutions.

This summit is primarily a networking and sales training event, with presentations from Raven partners and dealers worldwide. It is not a technical training.

The breakfast keynote on June 5 is "How Precision Pays."  An awards dinner takes place after the close of the summit on the evening of June 5.

For more information, contact Jessica DeJong at the email address below.
